Certificate Equivalency Exam

Required documents:

1- The preparatory certificate document for the scientific branch certified by the Ministry of Education.

2- A bachelor's document certified by the cultural department in the country of study, in addition to a document of grades and academic units.

3- A copy of the passport showing the years of residence in the country of study.

4- Personal documents with residence card and 2 photos.
5- The study file opening book (if any)

* Please fill out the electronic form in the link below before coming to the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department.

Click here 

* After receiving the university order issued by our department, the student must review the concerned college at Basra University, according to his specialization, for the purpose of checking the academic units, and then review the University of Baghdad, each according to his specialization, for the purpose of completing registration, paying fees, and setting the exam date by them.